withdraw from our obligations toward UN policies and regulations that do not benefit our society or economy.

New Nation Party will leave the United Nations. 

For decades, our country has signed onto a myriad of international policies and regulations that have held our country back and cost us hundreds of millions of dollars in meeting agreed international obligations, such as climate targets.

It is time our country stood strong and charted our own path as a nation independent of UN rule.

In the first term of a New Nation Government, we will withdraw from our obligations toward UN policies and regulations that do not benefit our society or economy. As an example, our country’s commitment to the Climate Change Accords and international demands to reduce carbon emissions will be immediately suspended and defunded upon taking office.

New Zealand’s carbon emissions are miniscule in comparison to other countries. China, the United States, and India are the largest emitters in the world yet refuse to limit their economies in order to reduce their emissions. Successive New Zealand governments have blindly handcuffed our country to these agreements to the detriment of our own advancement.

In terms of domestic legislation, this includes abolishing the Ute Tax and reducing taxes on petrol for work and farm vehicles.


We demand the new government, no matter what party holds power to leave the United Nations.

Who's signing

Gavin Grimmer
Mitch Rapp
Chris Plummer
tony hewitson
Corrinne Laing
Caroline Parsons
Mark Schuurman
Sally Evison
Alan Frame
Karel Pavich
Micheal Broughton
Tony Crapper
Anne Hone
Heather McQuoid
Eddie Light
Lynne Moore
Stewart Dromgool
Miranda McLeod
Katherine Boniface
Nancy Donald
anna goodwin
Simin Williams
Trudy McGregor
Lyndle Mcilveen
Geraldine Clarke
Dawn Marshall
R Fraser-Brown
Chudleigh Haggett
Sue Sommerville
Michael Donovan
152 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 129 reactions

  • Gavin Grimmer
    signed 2024-06-10 08:45:16 +1200
  • Mitch Rapp
    signed 2024-06-08 15:46:33 +1200
  • Chris Plummer
    signed 2024-06-08 14:54:43 +1200
    Biggest Bully of all time in Parliment

    Disgraceful that received an Honour
  • tony hewitson
    signed via 2024-06-01 21:48:39 +1200
    the united nations has ceased to be the organization that was created after ww2, it now has agendas that are way outside the scope as intended back then, nz cannot afford the $ cost or the human cost to carry on with it as it stands today,it has too many globalists in power or at the head of the main loby groups.
  • Corrinne Laing
    signed via 2024-05-31 12:43:55 +1200
  • Caroline Parsons
    signed 2024-05-31 07:07:55 +1200
  • Mark Schuurman
    signed 2024-05-30 19:37:34 +1200
  • Sally Evison
    signed 2024-05-30 16:45:54 +1200
  • Alan Frame
    signed 2024-05-30 16:44:59 +1200
    It is difficult to believe that New Zealand is becoming a slave to not only the UN but also to the WHO and the WEF. All these unelected bodies that impose significant restrictions on many countries should be cast away. They add nothing to the betterment of any of these countries but want to impose their power. Any thing to do with climate change has been proven to be a farce.
  • Karel Pavich
    signed via 2024-05-30 15:43:42 +1200
  • Micheal Broughton
    signed 2024-05-30 11:25:11 +1200
  • Tony Crapper
    signed 2024-05-30 10:53:42 +1200
  • Anne Hone
    signed 2024-05-30 08:49:15 +1200
  • Heather McQuoid
    signed 2024-05-30 08:43:25 +1200
  • Eddie Light
    signed 2024-05-30 07:51:48 +1200
    The UN has partnered up with the OIC which want sharia law for the west. They must be stopped.
  • Lynne Moore
    signed 2024-05-30 07:49:42 +1200
  • Stewart Dromgool
    signed 2024-05-30 07:46:52 +1200
  • Miranda McLeod
    signed 2024-05-17 10:49:39 +1200
  • Katherine Boniface
    signed 2024-05-14 21:31:16 +1200
  • Nancy Donald
    signed 2024-03-22 21:37:25 +1300
    I do NOT CONSENT to being part of the UN.
  • anna goodwin
    signed 2024-03-22 01:54:24 +1300
  • Simin Williams
    signed 2024-03-17 09:15:20 +1300
  • Trudy McGregor
    signed via 2024-03-04 14:45:35 +1300
  • Lyndle Mcilveen
    signed 2024-03-03 12:03:57 +1300
  • Geraldine Clarke
    signed 2024-03-03 10:19:07 +1300
  • Dawn Marshall
    signed 2024-03-02 21:26:26 +1300
    The United Nations is no longer fit for purpose as it is now only a platform for budding dictators trying to push their own agendas with no thought of how it affects the nations it purports to protect.
  • R Fraser-Brown
    signed 2024-03-02 18:56:46 +1300
  • Chudleigh Haggett
    signed 2024-03-02 12:38:22 +1300
    The UN is a waste of money , time ,and space. Concentrating on non essentials such as equity and inclusion. Whilst they have no guts to handle the real problems of the planet and pander to the leftist socialist propaganda and the climate terrorists. They are just fools, secondhand politicians that never had a clue to start with!
  • Sue Sommerville
    signed 2024-03-02 07:22:12 +1300
  • Michael Donovan
    signed via 2024-03-01 22:27:05 +1300